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The Gospel

The Gospel simply means, “Good News”


However, before we can really understand what that means, we need some context. 


The bad news is that we are all sinners. In Romans it says that we all “fall short” of God’s glory, and because we fall short of this standard we cannot earn or work for a right standing with God, but because we are sinners we can only earn death.

Despite our sin, God loves us, even though we do not live up to his standard of goodness and holiness, he loves us and wants to reconcile us to himself.


Therefore, God sends his only son, Jesus, to come and pay the price of our sin by dying on a cross. The penalty for sin is death, and Jesus paid the price in full for the whole world. Then after three days, he rises from the dead proving he has power over sin and death and wants everyone to know that if they believe in Jesus, and trust in his work on the cross, believing he rose from the dead will be saved from their sin.

Through believing in Jesus we are set free from the bondage of sin, even more, God credits to us the goodness and right standing we need to be reconciled to him.


He gives us his righteousness and declares us forgiven, even greater, he gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit to come and live within us, teaching us how to live lives that reflect the love and righteousness of God. Finally, for those who believe in Jesus, he guarantees us a place with him in heaven for all eternity.


The Gospel is all about God reconciling us back to him so that we can worship him and be with him forever and ever.


This is truly Good News.

If you have questions or want to talk to someone about this, please click the “Contact us” button above. We’d love to hear from you.

Our beliefs

Our constitution

A document that defines the framework of how we govern ourselves and the rights and responsibilities of our members.

Living it out

What does this look like to live out these beliefs?

Our leadership

We are a church that believes in a plurality of leadership, made up of elders and deacons.

Our elders are men who serve in a leadership capacity in cultivating the spiritual life of the church.

They are servants of God and commissioned by God to give biblical direction and spiritual oversight to the church, along with helping “shepherd the flock” of God (Acts 20:28). It is the responsibility of the elders to make sure the ministries and direction of the church is in line with its teaching. The qualifications and responsibilities of an elder are defined in the Bible and described in our constitution.

Our elders:

Dean Edwards

Zacharias Carlens

Pontus Sernestrand

Jonathan Douglas

David Martin

Michael DeBusk

Daniel Matzeit

Deacons are men and women who serve our church to help to administer its practical needs. Anyone nominated to serve as a deacon must fulfill the biblical qualifications found in the Bible (Acts 6:1–7; Romans 16:1; 1 Timothy 3:8–12)

Our deacons:

Lucas Bennett

Marco Krüllman

CT Yeoh

Jonny Brendler


These are some of the organisations we partner with.

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